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Shimadzu SIL-20ACHT Autosampler




The SIL-20ACHT is equipped with a sample cooler with a built-in dehumidifier to minimize condensation problems. Samples can be maintained at a fixed temperature from 4ºC to 40ºC. Temperature equilibration is rapid and uniform, so heat or cold sensitive sample constituents remain stable.
Injection method:- Total-volume sample injection, variable injection volume
Injection-volume setting range:- 0.1 to 100 µL (standard), 1 to 2,000 µL (option)
Number of processed samples:- 175 (1mL vials), 70 (1.5mL vials), 50 (4mL vials), two 96-well MTPs, two 384-well MTPs, ten 1.5mL vials in addition to these
Injection-volume accuracy:- 1% max.
Injection-volume precision:- RSD: 0.3% max. (for 10 µL injection, under specified conditions)
Cross-contamination:- 0.005% max. (naphthalene, chlorhexidine)
Number of repeated injections:- 30 max. per sample
Needle rinsing:- Set freely before and after sample injection.

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